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22.11.21Disrupt - Time Sink
Raime - Belly
DJ Problemas - Avariou O Quatro Por Sete
Wierd Weather - Tongue Drum
Ossia - Drum Tangle
Lukid - Twisted Blood
Demdike Stare Pile Up
NPLGNN - 1925 ft Deep
Sentinel 793 - Brukwerk
Solid Blake - Yagharek
Pessimist - The Price of Oil
Philippe Hallais - Angela (Square)
Hamilton Scalpal Coventry Dump Valve
Raime - Kella
Logos - Eska Ossia's (Dub Shower Mix)

The monthly guest hour is a vehicle to explore folk and choral music as well as twisted experimental instrumentals and music concrรจte. Her shows are rarely beat driven, but when mixing with Anina and Sunun, her two AMA sisters - they will probably be playing jungle!