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World Crime League w/ Bobby Osprey

  • Library
  • New Age
  • Ambient

In 1989 Robert ‘Bobby’ Osprey was a factory worker from Preston, Lancashire. Finding little time to build a family or develop any hobbies he decided it was time to focus on something that would enrich his otherwise menial life. Having scrimped and saved to start a family (something that still eludes him to this day) he decided to invest in a lifelong passion, Music.

Bobby invested in a Korg M1 keyboard and began to compose music, through his experiments he found that sequencing and recording healing music to cassette gave him peace, Bobby bought a second Korg M1 and ‘Peaceful Reflections’ took shape. Since 1989 it has sat on his shelf gathering dust. With little desire to share his music to the wider world it took until 2021 for his music to resurface. This is Peaceful Reflections.

Artist — Track Name

Bobby Osprey - Pool of Reflections
Bobby Osprey - Jewel of the Mantis
Bobby Osprey - Tigerpaw
Bobby Osprey - The Egg
Bobby Osprey - Imaginarium
Bobby Osprey - Morning Reflections
Bobby Osprey - First Bike
Bobby Osprey - Elder Tribe

World Crime League

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