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Untame Your Tongue
05.08.24Artist — Track Name
Uhimidiwe - Pokea Sifa
Onto, Shefram Crew - Ramukanji
Benson - Niombee
Koffi Olomide - Loi
Grand Kalle et l’African Jazz - Paraffin
Wendo Kolosoy Marie-Louise
Hachalu Hundes - Maalan Jira
Roumadyval - Casifehilo
Georgina Ledua - So Na Bogi
Pacific Cool - Na’ Trankilu Yu’
Georgia Ruth - Dim gan
Tabu Ley Rochereau - Lal’a
Adiga Music Band - Mashy
Saint Levant - Galbi
Untame Your Tongue
Untame Your Tongue is a show dedicated to playing global music in non-majority languages, alongside music and sounds rooted in resistance movements around the world.