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Untame Your Tongue

  • Traditional African
  • Experimental
  • Celtic
  • Latin
Artist — Track Name

Dom, Lloyd James - Mona Lisa
Pys Melyn - Festri
Ceferina Banquez - Si Me Voy Con Pablo Pérez
TREYR - An Tros
Alide Sans - Eth Rio
Laüsa - Los Caulets
Nicola Cruz, Luzmila Carpio - Ch'uwa Yaku Kawasaypuni
Liberato Kani - Mana Umaspa
Saywa - Agency Aymarino
La canço de lladre - La Troba Kung-Fú
Mauresca Fracas Dub - Anam Namjar
Paito y los Guitares de Punta Brava - La flor del melon merengue de gaita

Untame Your Tongue

Untame Your Tongue is a show dedicated to playing global music in non-majority languages, alongside music and sounds rooted in resistance movements around the world.

Resident page
by Noods Radio