
On Air

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Unknown Sense

  • Ambient
  • Downtempo
  • Experimental

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

  • Carl Jung.

Sofia delves into the depths of her music discoveries for an hour of unexpected sounds inspired by the new moon in Virgo.

Artist — Track Name

Brannten Schnüre - "Nachtmittagsschwüle" / Unknown Sense
Jonnine - "I Feel Like I'm in a Film" / Unknown Sense
Valentina Magaletti, Marlene Ribeiro - "La Luna di Pierpaolo". / Unknown Sense
Oltre la Morte - "Sonourous Souls". / Unknown Sense
Desaccord Majeur - "Time is Always Now"/ Unknown Sense
Driftmachine - "Trance 3" / Unknown Sense
Potter Natalizia Zen - "Fill" / Uknown Sense
Jonny Rock - "Ode To A Happening On Earth" / Unknown Sense

Unknown Sense

Sofia delves into the depths of her recent music discoveries for an hour of unexpected sounds inspired by the current lunar cycle.

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