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Tia Cousins
13.11.24Carl Weingarten & Walter Whitney - Rainsong
Bastion - Molitva
Dif Juz - Love Insane
Cocteau Twins - Lazy Calm
Seam - Which Way To Go
EM - Kiss Me Quick
Material - Ciquri
The Dance - Dance For Your Dinner
Zeus B. Held - Cowboy On The Beach
Neuzeitliche Bodenbeläge - Keramik & Konflikte
Los Microwaves - What’s That Got To Do (With Loving You?)
The Passions - Oh No, It’s You
Partibrejkers - Put
Boye - Kao Kaka Gubis Glavu

Tia Cousins
Sometimes guitars, sometimes chuggers, usually moody and always weird. No set genre, just stuff I like.