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Through The Years: 90's IDM w/ Blume & Sleia
14.12.231990 | KLF - Pulling Out Of Ricardo And The Dusk Is Falling Fast
1991 | Coil - The Snow
1992 | Speedy J - De-Orbit
1992 | Aphex Twin - Xtal
1993 | Polygon Window - Surfing on Sine Waves
1994 | Autechre - Glitch
1995 | Muslimgauze - Lahore Morphine Market
1996 | Mira Calix - Khala
1997 | ยต-Ziq - Hasty Boom Alert
1998 | Leila - Untitled
1999 | Monolake - Gecko
2000 | Radiohead - Idioteque