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Stench Temple
05.09.23Penetration - Don't Dictate
The Sceptres - 210
Molar - Sylvia
Pinocchio - Trick Plane
Margaret Thrasher - The Next Best Thing
Warm Bodies - I'm Gonna Getcha
Bombardement - Blood. Cash. Self-destruction.
Preening - Circular Problems
Gorilla Angreb - Motorsavsmasahahakren
Conflict - I've Had Enough
Slant 6 - Semi-blue Tile
Cold Meat - Maternity Stomp
Lux - Combat
Child's Pose - CCMMD
La misma - Inercia
Slant - The Trap
Raooul - Anna Joy
Chew - Moral Panic
Kleenex - Hedi's Head
Pink Grip - Out of Luck
Scarecrow - Rationalization
Nachthexen - The State of Her
Bread and Water - Fear of God
Life Without Buildings - Young Offenders
Tozcos - Muerte
Mentira - Mentira
Gen Pop - Teach Me How To
Destroy All Monsters - November 22nd 1963
Urin - Uwaga
Delta 5 - Mind Your Own Business

Stench Temple
Description; [noun], otherwise known as a 'mosh pit', whereby one, in a state of euphoria and sweat, worships thy music before them, and leaves, most like, bruised, stinky and ecstatic. Each month, Stench Temple will be serving you up an hour of the heavy stuff; punk, hardcore, grindcore, deathcore, metal, nu-metal (etc etc etc... if you can mosh to it, it's in the mix). More importantly, i'll be bringing light to the individuals of marginalised genders in the scene that is usually so dominated by cis masculinity.... I wanna show just how raucous and unruly we can be. In the great words of G.L.O.S.S... "this is for the outcasts".