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Spoilt Victorian Child
18.03.24Fiesta en el Vacio - Dream Partner
Kamaal Williams - Everything in its Right Place
Soft Location - Let the Moon Get Into it
Bardo Pond - Be a Fish
UV Pop - Just a Game
Tout Debord - Rester
La Maraudeur - Le Couloir du Soir
Snooper - Running
Institute - Salt
Automatic - Too Much Money
Chad VanGaalen - Burning Photographs
Aurat - Kubsurat Aankhein
Thรฉorรจme - Les Artisans
Exploded View - Orlando
VZ - Habadash
Untitled Halo - Xiua
Isaiah Hull - Gorrilax

spoilt victorian child
A monthly round-up of post punk, ambient, coldwave, field recordings and everything in between.