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Sombra Blanca w/ ChicoHollywood

  • Electronica
  • Industrial
  • Experimental
  • Ambient
  • Krautrock
Artist — Track Name

Bobby Beausolei - Lucifer Rising 3
Psychic TV - Shame: Makes Two Late
Boyd Rice - As For The Fools
Mark Cunningham - La Odisea
Meitei - Sento(pt 1)
John Cale - Soul Of Carmen Miranda
Tomaga - Bluest
Finis Africae - El Secreto de las 12
Baden Powell e Vinicius de Moraes - Canto de Ossanha
The Orb - Glen Coe
Jon Hassell - Empire III
Deux Filles - She Slides
Les Rallizes Dénudés - White Awakening
Popol Vuh - They Danced, They Loved As of The Old

Sombra Blanca

Sombra Blanca explores dark melodies, melancholy, and luminosity. Syd dePalma, the artist behind the program, blends raw punk with psychedelia — an auditory experience that invites us to explore the nuances of our emotions and find light amidst the shadows.

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