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Sequins at Noon: Olivia Records
18.09.20Track Genres: Woman's Music, Funk, Blues, Jazz, Folk
Linda Tillery Freedom Time
Meg Christian Ode to a Gyme Teacher
Gertrude 'Ma' Rainy Prove It On Me Blues
Casse Culver What Are We Going To Do About Anita Bryant
Pat Parker My Lover Is A Woman
Teresa Trull Let It Be Known
BeBe K'roche Kuhlua Mama
Sweet Honey In The Rock Breaths
BeBe K'roche Alone
Mary Watkins A Chording To The People
Tret Fure Edges Of The Heart
Judy Grahn A History Of Lesbianism
Mary Watkins Witches' Revenge
Linda Tillery Womanly Way

Sequins At Noon
Strap in as we catch a rainbow through queer sound and space. Sequins at Noon is a show that taps into the history, club-culture and music scenes that created the vibrant queer nightlife we know today.