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Renunciation of the Self
26.06.22Lucas Alvarado - Untitled
Philip Glass - Koyaanisqatsi
Dietrich Buxtehude - Passacaglia in D minor
Olivier Messiaen - Apparition de l'รฉglise รฉternelle
Kali Malone Litanic - Cloth Wrung
Lucas Alvarado - Untitled II
Franz Liszt - Prelude & Fugue on BACH
Anna von Hausswolf - Goodbye
Hildegarde von Bingen/Catalina Vicens - Quia Ergo Femina
Arvo Pรคrt - Upon La Mi Re
Johann Sebastian Bach - Passacaglie in C minor

Renunciation of the Self w/ Lucas Alvardo
Lucas Alvarado will immerse into his inner God by trance to bring to this world an experimental Dj set through experimental electronic music, field recordings, contemporary and post-music.