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Oscilla Sound w/ Addison
23.03.23URA - Let The VST Cry For You
Andy Stott - Don't know how (feat. Alison Skidmore)
Sabla + ฤ.K. - Waterflow
Frenk Dublin - This Is The Way
Alex Coulton - Direction
Tubby Isiah - Bring Me Fire (Versa Re - Dub)
K Wata - Seltzer
O-Wells - Rhytim
Rhytim - Tape 17
Konrad Wehrmeister - Xenomorph
Unknown artist - Trick
Big Ever - Zoner (Zoned Mix)
Lithe - Yammer
Monolake - Specimen Fractal
K Wata - Bone Tags
soltura, TripSixVivo - Ruins featuring TripSixVivo (Original Mix)
Nico - Drops
Ike - Nurture

Oscilla Sound
Trips through the sounds and inspirations from the London label and friends. Deep explorations into a myriad of soundscapes, murky vibrations and wormhole inducing rhythmic workouts.