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  • Punk
Artist — Track Name

Esc8 - Niagara
Pressure - Set-Top Box
Тишина - Molchat Doma
Perverted Disco - The Serfs
The Hunger Problem In The World - Doris Norton
Psch - Kitchen & The Plastic Spoons
Fascinate - Nylex
Crimes - Current Affairs
Portrait of Ezra Pound - Electric Party
Mutant Menace - Medio Mutante
Only My Own - DIÄT
Automatic Heart Attack - Exit Group
Skinhead - Satanic Togas
Face Figure - Maraudeur
Река - Utro
Don’t Escape From Death - Ces Cadaveres
Running - Snõõper
II / What Is Going On? - Beige Banquet
U Nikudy - Nürnberg
Smash The State - Violent Quand On Amie
I Saw I See - Unhuman & Petra Flurr
What A World - Informatics
Expose - Vita Noctis