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27.02.25Ain Spot - Credo
Stratvm Terror - Kruzifix
Meth Drinker - Narco Sub
hiroshimabend, Zoe DeWitt - The Earthenware Virgin
Group Compile Global - New Error²
altar of flies - Comfront Zones
Vasilisk - Whirling Dervishes
The Hafner Trio - Starfall 22.9
John Duncan - Program
Corrupted - Loss
:zovietfrance: - Public Service Announcement

IMBROGLIO w/ Misonica
IMBROGLIO has different meanings; deception is the translation form the original Italian word. In music theory IMBROGLIO means a passage in which the rhythms of different voice-parts are conflicting or contradictory. To put it simpler: it is an irregular way of emphasis; this is what the Vienna-based show is about. Misonica and her guests will explore the crucial rhythms, off the beaten track.