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Escalator To Nowhere
01.08.24Steve Hiett - In The Shade
Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan
Dennis Nolan - Killer Thriller (Remix)
Les Abranis - Mmiliyi Kan
Vakula - Womb Flesh Forest
The Durutti Column - Red Square
Bill Nelson - Sleepcycle
Rick Cuevas - The Birds
Cleaners From Venus - The Green Gold Girl Of The Summer
Ishinohana - Lucia
Me & E - Swing On
Bluefoot 31 - Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime
Iron Curtain - Love Can Never Die
Babies From Gong Feat Zu Zu - Decedant Butterfly
Bahramji & Mashti - Caravaan
Tranquility Bass - Cantamilla
Anoesis - Planet K
Tom Of England - 30,000 Women
The Durutti Column - My Country
Dusty Baron - Flying Plums
Mike Foster - Original Model
F. Minozzi - Y'No Wot I Mean
The Pilotwings - John Deere, Tcheu!
Dijf Snaders - The Pool
Kammerflimmer Kollektief - Siebentes Kapital (Verlflochten)
Bark Psychosis - Rose
Marijata - I Walk Alone
Erykah Badu - Didn't Cha Know

Escalator To Nowhere
Born in 2016, haphazardly broadcasting from their living room on the fledgling Noodlewaves, surrounded by records and empty bottles. The debut show ended with fka boursin playing a dubbed and decaying sample of Marge's closing monologue from the Monorail episode (which gave the show its name). The years since have seen an office-party conga of members, guests and cameos, a semi-detached 2-up-2-down of Noods studios, and a Tomorrowland of club-nights and parties across Bristol and London. Shape-shifting musical forms include: evangelical wrong-speed trance revivalists, fringe-flicking post-punk goth kids, noughties rโnโb wedding DJs, 80s art-pop opera, Coil tribute band, Arabian acid-charmers, 90s psybient dreamweavers, Gregorian chanting circle, nu-jack swing euphoric gospel preachers, one-tune junglists, Yugoslvian folk trio, the Miami Boys Choir, and many more...