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Dj Ductape's Guide For The Weekend

  • Acid
  • Experimental
  • Industrial
Artist — Track Name

Autechre - Drop
Sochi Terada - Bomb The Mac
Jikuroux - Only U
Acid House - No Name No Logo
Soviet France - Track 1
TSV1 - Sestra's Eye
Crazy Legs - Open Book
DIN - Uh
LAPS - Gush
Bonaventure - Both
The Ghan - Drainage
Andy Garvey - Club Music
Shit and Shine - Yeh I'm On Acid

Dj Ductape

If Dj Ductape was a dinner they would be bubble & squeak. Mashed up leftovers, nicely fried into a delicious offering suitable at any time of the day.* Contact : [email protected] *Best enjoyed between 1am - 6am.

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