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Cube Radio Hour: Noises from the Microplex
04.03.24Mike Bloomfield + Nick Gravenites - Swing With It
Warmup - Jane Fonder
OST Theme Tune - Barbarella
Dawn Terry - Boys (Summertime Love)
Areski Belkacem and Brigitte Fontaine - Vous et Nous
Brigitte Fontaine - Le Nougat
Ghalia Benali - Ya Msape
Ghalia Benali - Let Go
Nam Tham + Indian Choral Ensemble - Kalyani Nair
Nataraja - Spirit at play
The Selector - On my radio
Rhoda Daka - The Boiler
Grou Zlass - Tunisie: Chants and Rhythms
Silver Convenion - Fly Robin Fly

Cube Radio Hour : Noises from the Microplex
The Cube is a Microplex Cinema, Arts venue, adult creche, independent museum, and progressive social wellbeing enterprise in Central Bristol, England. Our regular Cube Radio Hour on Noods is compiled by Cube volunteers to bring you ramblings, interviews, field recordings, music and noise that has been either created or appreciated by the Cube community. Find us at or email us at [email protected] if you would like to get involved