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Cord's Mixtape Delivery Service
08.04.24Kate Bush - Watching you Without Me
Fever Ray - What they call us
The Seraphims - The Consciousness of Happening
HaHa Sounds Collective Version - Silk Rock
HOWL - Fallen Sun (Glow Worm)
Daisy Rickman - Signpost to the Stars
The Smile - Bending Hectic
Luke de Scisco - R.O.B.Y.N
Peggy Lee - I Go To Sleep
no more water in the kettle - cord's original field recording
Broadcast - I see, So I See So
Goldfrapp - Clowns
Anna Domino - With The Day Comes The Dawn
Stereolab - La Boob Oscillator
Robert Wyatt - I'm A Believer

Cord's Mixtape Delivery Service
A radio revival of a compilation cd postal service Cord set up as a kid. Tune in for a monthly delivery of meandering speech and sound for you to bloom and blossom