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Computational Listening w/ Jasmine Guffond
16.11.20This is the last of three radio shows for Jasmine's guest residency at Noods Radio. It features an interview with media scholar Maria Eriksson about Spotify Teardown - an investigation into the inner workings of the streaming platform Spotify. As well as a selection of electronic and experimental music!
Jasmine Guffond - An Utterly Dark Spot (excerpt, Microphone Permission, 2020)
Interview with Maria Eriksson - Spotify Teardown
Lucrecia Dalt - Disuelta (No era sรณlida, 2020)
Mads Kjeldgaard - ((())) (Hold Time, 2020)
Lucy Railton - Forma (excerpt) (Forma / Metabolist Meter (Foster, Cottin, Caetani and a Fly), 2020)
Suzanne Ciani - A Higher Place (Improvisation on Four Sequences at Festival Antigel - All Spatial Mixes, 2020)
Lucy Railton - Forma (excerpt) (Forma / Metabolist Meter (Foster, Cottin, Caetani and a Fly), 2020)
Caterina Barbieri - Pinnacles of You (Ecstatic Computation, 2019)
Rey Sapienz - Anti Machine (Mushoro, 2019)
Jasmine Guffond & Erik K Skodvin - White Eyes (The Burrow, 2020)
Nihiloxica - Dubugwanjuba (Biiri, 2019)
Sarah Davachi - Gathers I (excerpt, Gathers, 2020)