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As Above: So Below
03.12.19Artist / Track Name
John T. Gast - Messages
The Residents - Walrus Hunt
Sand - Sarah
XVARR - Raga Intepretation
Mika Vainio - Tila
Coil - Broken Aura
Best Available Technology - Crimson Dew
Karl Lindh - Djurgardsgatans Ogonblick
Kath Bloom & Loren Connors - What if I found out (Instrumental)
XVARR vs Egypte Erotique - Shadows
Mosquitoes - VX
Joe McPhee - Scorpio's Dance
Skullflower - Sunset
Bolt Thrower - Blind to Defeat
Fama87 - Vama
Summe - B1
Shakti - That Boy
The Gerogerigegege - Untitled
Polonious - Gemini (Extract)
Thuja - Untitled
XVARR - Untitled
Agitation Free - Dialogue & Random

Join XVARR for one un/earthly hour every two months in his Noods show 'As Above: So Below', aligning the world down here with those above, adding an otherworldly perspective to everyday existence!