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A Song Is Not An Island
22.05.23This is an old recording that I decided to share, I made it trying to merge 2 mixes into one, in the style of day and night, a sort of experiment. In the first part you are lulled by the softness of the music and dragged into its meditative vortex, we then arrive at the second part, with a growing energy that breaks the stillness and gives us movement.
A Song Is Not An Island
An hour from a wide range of genres that wants to enhance the inexhaustible secret of music. A song doesn't stand alone, it is not an island, it always refers back to others, it is connected to other songs with sometimes thick and sometimes thin threads; When you listen to a song in a mix, even if you already know it, it is like listening to it in a new way, thanks to this interconnection. It could communicate new stories, new worlds.