
On Air

resident focus

Resident Focus: Vacast

For June's edition, we're looking at event series, label and radio show Vaagner / Vacast.

Words Noods Editorial Published 30.06.23

Since 2018, Vaagner has been steadily laying out some of the highest quality ambient, electronica, drone and experimental music into the world. With over 75 releases they've been nothing if not prolific. From the reflective piano mutations of Yosuke Tokunaga to the sultry country-not-country of Jeremiah Carter & Kelby Clark Vaagner has proved itself a vital force in modern ambient music.


Tell us a little about yourself, where you are in the world, one fun fact about yourself.


I'm half Bavarian, half Canadian, currently living in Berlin. No fun facts come to mind about myself.


How are you spending your days at the moment?

I just returned from a life affirming label tour/road trip in the US, thus I'm still reeling to find my footing again with regard to getting back into a normal schedule. Currently, I'm trying to prepare a lot of the upcoming releases while contending with all the events that happen around June time in Berlin. Right now I'm having a tea and recovering from an amazing concert that happened yesterday at 8MM featuring Dawuna and Honour.


Favourite thing to hear in nature?


Wind rustling autumn leaves.


How did the label start and where do you see it going?


It started as a means to combine some of my key interest in design, curation and music, while also offering myself a way to approach music in a more direct and tangible way. Lastly, yet perhaps most importantly, as the label grew, it became a platform that fostered multifaceted connections with various artists and individuals around the globe. Getting the chance to put on nights in Japan, Sweden or the US, while connecting with collaborators on a personal level, is something I deeply cherish and want to continue nurturing in the future.


Three artists you’re excited about at the minute?


You’re cycling home after a breakup, what are you listening to?


My Downfall by Venetian Snares


What is inspiring you outside of music right now?


I'm really into old movies at the moment and digging through a lot of those, there is a seemingly an endless treasure trove of film classics from the 40's to the 70's. I just watched Ikiru, which blew me away. Tonight I plan to rewatch Der Himmel Über Berlin, (Wings of Desire). Film is perhaps the ultimate genre, combining writing, sound, acting, editing, etc... It's a crowning achievement when all these facets come together to form a memorable movie.


How has where you grew up informed your taste?


I grew up in both the Bavarian countryside and the German capital, thus I've always had an intersecting affinity in these to very different topographies, this is reflected in my interest in rural traditions and culinary crafts, while at the same time finding myself entrenched in a lifestyle that can only be maintained in a city environment.


Favourite author and their best book?


Currently, my favourite author might be Kurt Vonnegut Jr. His best book... Cat's Cradle holds a special place as this was my introduction to his world.

Go check out the Vacast show for us and listen to a heady selection of top tier Ambient, Experimental, Drone and much more. Head over to the Vaagner Instagram and keep up to date with label if you know what's good for you.