
On Air

resident focus

Resident Focus: Untame Your Tongue

Untame Your Tongue is a show dedicated to playing global music in non-majority languages, alongside music and sounds rooted in resistance movements around the world. We spoke to Talulah about some choice tracks, their taste and some other bits, get to know!

Words Noods Editorial Published 11.07.24

Tell us a little about yourself, where you are in the world, one fun fact
about yourself.


I’m Talulah, a Welsh DJ and Artist from North Wales. I run a show on
Noods called Untame Your Tongue which explores global music in minority
languages. One fun fact about me is that I can play the Musical Saw!


Favourite thing to hear in nature?


The sound of a new spring of water running.


What is inspiring you outside of music right now?


Community organising. My peers/friends over at Cambridge for Palestine
have created a liberated zone standing against Cambridge University’s
complicity in apartheid.

Check them out here.


How has where you grew up informed your taste?


I grew up moving between languages, mainly Welsh and English. I think
because of this I find myself connecting with any kind of music and
songwriting, regardless of language barriers.


If you could have anyone around for dinner, who would it be and what
would you cook?


Definitely Rosalia! She is one of my biggest musical inspirations,
particularly in the way she mixes flamenco with other culturally specific
sounds from around the globe.


Three artists which you think are criminally underrated?


First song you fell in love with?


Realistically it was probably Swagger Jagger off of Cher Lloyd’s debut
album ‘Sticks and Stones’ in 2011.


Best musical experience?


I think I just had it! Dhafer Youssef’s set at Love Supreme this year. He had
the most amazing band of musicians with him. He fuses traditional Oud
playing with jazz - it was a truly stunning experience. As a fiend for drums
and percussive sounds, the drummer was the best I’ve ever heard.


You're running a marathon but can only listen to one song on repeat,
what are you listening to?


Namesake by Noname.

Go check out the Untame Your Tongue show for us and listen to a deep selection of music from all over the world including, Celtic, Arabirc, African, Latin and much more.