Resident Focus: Isabel Del Bosco
The enigmatic Isabel Del Bosco is a project via a spiritual community based in Cordoba. Their work is focusses on their surroundings, stringing blissful ambient together alongside neo-folk musings. Their show on Noods is a continuation of this, bringing together their far reaching influences into something considered and consise.

Tell us a little about yourself, where you are in the world, one fun fact about yourself
IWe started with the Isabel del Bosco project almost two years ago. We currently reside in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We usually draw inspiration from images and texts as a starting point when composing. For example, for our first EP we were inspired by a mysterious photograph showing three unknown people around a stone in a forest clearing...

How are you spending your days at the moment?
IIn addition to composing material for our new album, we dedicate our leisure time to reading on topics of our interest, such as philosophy, poetry and religious symbolism.

Favourite thing to hear in nature?
IThe sound of a waterfall.
Three artist’s you’re excited about at the minute?
IWhat is inspiring you outside of music right now?
IWe are inspired by the atmosphere of certain fantastic films, such as Chabrol's Alice or Juraj Herz's Morgania.
How has where you grew up informed your taste?
IBeing born in a small town, we think rural landscapes have influenced us.
What album do you jump to when all else fails?
IBach: Goldberg Variations by Glenn Gould (1981 Version)
What song is playing at your funeral?
IBenjamin Britten - Corpus Christi Carol (by Janet Baker)
You're running a marathon but can only listen to one song on repeat, what are you listening to?
ITalk Talk - Life's What You Make It