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An Hour For Z'EV w/ Malvern Brume

  • - Experimental - Field Recordings - Industrial - Noise

Z'EV - The Old Sweat
Z'EV - vii
The Cutmen - Horse Races
Z'EV - Titan Night
Z'EV - Eight
Z'EV - Cof
Z'EV- Assemblages
Z'EV & Jason Kahn - Zurich April 14th
Z'EV & Pita - Colchester 1 & 2
Bow Gamelan Ensemble feat. Z'EV & Thames Steam Launch Co. - Whistles
Z'EV - Brings Brings
Z'EV - Big Wave
Z'EV - Radio Station KPFK
Stefan Weisser - Sound of Wind and Limb
Z'EV - Anubis Ah' Soul
S. Weisser - Indefensible Position
UnS- Says #2 (Savoy Tivoli, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 12 1981)
Chris Watson, Z'EV, KK Null - Development

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An Hour For..

'An Hour For' commemorates seminal album releases, birthdays and other important dates in musical history. Lead each time by residents from the station.

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